Full-time NASCAR Craftsman Series Truck driver Stewart Friesen needed every ounce of talent, determination, and equipment he had to hold off the 18-year-old HBR driver Max McLaughlin. The pair diced and dueled through lapped traffic for the better part of the 100 lap Feature. McLaughlin closed in for the kill multiple times, but Friesen stayed slippery and managed to gap 6h again and again. All the effort was worth it as Stewart Friesen becomes the first guaranteed starter for this year’s NAPA Super DIRT Week.

Feature (100 Laps) 1. 44 – Stewart Friesen (1); 2. 6h – Max McLaughlin (6); 3. 98h – Jimmy Phelps (4); 4. 25R – Erick Rudolph (5); 5. 9s – Matt Sheppard (7); 6. 19 – Tim Fuller (9); 7. 99L – Larry Wight (11); 8. 3 – Billy Dunn (3); 9. 14J – Alan Johnson (15); 10. 20 – Brett Hearn (1); 11. 5H – Chris Hile (19); 12. 21A – Peter Britten (13); 13. 6M – Matt Williamson (22); 14. 42 – Pat Ward (8); 15. 88 – Mike Mahaney (16); 16. 27J – Danny Johnson (12); 17. 66X – Casey Terrance (26); 18. 91- Billy Decker (10); 19. 43 Keith Flach (24); 20. 00 – Bobby Varin (14); 21. 21R – Ryan Jordan (18); 22. 7F – Matt Farnham (23); 23. 8 – Rich Scagliotta (30); 24. 109 Billy Whittaker (29); 25. 07 Tim Kerr (27); 26. 63 – Adam Roberts (21); 27. 48 – Dave Rauscher (31); 28. 6h – Josh Horenforst (17); 29. 1X – Willy Decker (20); 30. 84 – Gary Tomkins (25); 31. 16b Alan Barker (28)